Friday, May 6, 2016

May 5th 2016 Swatch Moss Stitch Parallelograms

Here is our first Swatch for May:

May 5th 2016 Swatch – Moss Stitch Parallelograms

Copyright © Janet Nogle

Materials:  1 Skein Cotton yarn, #6 Knitting Needles
Cast on:  Multiple of 10 + Border (20 + 4 = 24)

Note:         B = Border Stitches
Cast on:   24

Rows 1-2:     Knit Across

Row 1:           B K2, *K5, (P1, K1) x2, P1; Rep from* end with B K2
Row 2:           B K2,  (P1, K1) x 3, *P5, (K1, P1) x 2, K1; Rep from * to last 6:  P4, B K2.
Row 3:           B K2, K3, *(P1, K1) x2, P1, K5; Rep from * to last 9:  (P1, K1) x2, P1, K2, B K2.
Row 4:           B K2, P3, *(K1, P1) x2, K1, P5; rep from * to last 9: (K1, P1) x2, K1, P2, B K2.
Row 5:           B K2, (K1, P1) x3, *K5, (P1, K1) x2, P1; rep from * to last 6:  K4, B K2.
Row 6:           B K2, P20, K2.

Repeat above 6 rows till desired length (I did the 6 row repeat 5 more times)

Rows 1-2:     Knit across.

Bind off
Weave in ends.

Moss Stitch Dishcloth:

Cast on:         36 (30+ 6 sts Border)

Border:         Knit 4 rows

Row 1:           B K3, *K5, (P1, K1) x2, P1; Rep from * end with B K3
Row 2:           B K3,  (P1, K1) x 3, *P5, (K1, P1) x 2, K1; Rep from * to last 6:  P4, B K3.
Row 3:           B K3, K3, *(P1, K1) x2, P1, K5; Rep from* to last 9:  (P1, K1) x2, P1, K2, B K3.
Row 4:           B K3, P3, *(K1, P1) x2, K1, P5; rep from * to last 9: (K1, P1) x2, K1, P2, B K3.
Row 5:           B K3, (K1, P1) x3, *K5, (P1, K1) x2, P1; rep from * to last 6:  K4, B K3.
Row 6:           B K3, P30, K3.
Border:         Knit 4 rows.

Bind off
Weave in ends.