Monday, May 4, 2020

May 2020 Swatch - Adriennes Swatch

Here is our Swatch for May.

We won't have one for June or July. Taking time off but feel to share any ideas you might have.

May 2020 Swatch –Adriennnes Swatch
Copyright © Deborah Mason

Materials: 1 skein of yarn

NOTES: PW = Purl wise; WYIF=With yarn in front; WYIB=With yarn in front; Sl=Slip

Cast On:        20 + Border 4 = 24
Row 1-2:       Knit across.
Row 1:           Knit across.
Row 2:           K2, *Sl 2 from left needle to right needle PW WYIF, then move yarn to back of work and slip the 2 stitches back to the left needle and knit them;  repeat from *, end K2.
Row 3:           K2, *P1, Sl 1 WYIB; repeat from *,  end K2.
Row 4:           K2, *K1, Sl 1, WYIF; repeat from *, end K2.

Rows 1-2:     Knit across   

Bind off. Weave in ends.