We won't have one for June or July. Taking time off but feel to share any ideas you might have.
2020 Swatch –Adriennnes Swatch
Copyright © Deborah Mason
Materials: 1 skein of yarn
NOTES: PW = Purl wise; WYIF=With
yarn in front; WYIB=With yarn in front; Sl=Slip
Cast On:
20 + Border 4 = 24
Row 1-2: Knit across.
Row 1: Knit across.
Row 2: K2, *Sl 2 from left needle to right
needle PW WYIF, then move yarn to back of work and slip the 2 stitches back to
the left needle and knit them; repeat
from *, end K2.
Row 3: K2,
*P1, Sl 1 WYIB; repeat from *, end K2.
Row 4: K2,
*K1, Sl 1, WYIF; repeat from *, end K2.
Rows 1-2: Knit across
Bind off. Weave in ends.