Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 5th 2016 Swatch - Rib & Welt Diagonal Stitch

July 5th Swatch – Rib and  Welt Diagonal Stitch

Copyright © Janet Nogle 2016

1 Skein cotton or any other type yarn in #4 category (cotton if you want to use as coaster)
#6 US Needles

Cast on:  Multiple of 8 stitches plus border (16 + 4 = 20)
Cast on:    20 stitches

Notes:  What does “Knit the Knit stitches” and “Purl the Purl stitches” as they face you mean???  If you have come across patterns that have the above instructions and you are fairly new to knitting, this is probably very confusing.

This swatch we are going to use those instructions and also show you how to use them in the future.

At the end of this pattern there are further instructions on this method.  I have done it separate so you can keep it for future reference.

Here is our swatch:

Rows 1-2: Knit across.
Row 1:      B-K2, *K1, P1, K1, P5; Repeat from *, end with B-K2.
Row 2:      B-K2, Knit all the Knit stitches, Purl all the Purl stitches, B-K2.
Row 3:      B-K2, K1, P1, *K5, P1, K1, P1; Repeat from * to last 8 stitches: K5, P1, B-K2.
Row 4:      Same as row 2.
Row 5:      B-K2, K1, *P5, K1, P1, K1; Repeat from * to last 9 stitches: P5, K1, P1, B-K2.
Row 6:      Same as row 2.
Row 7:      B-K2, *K5, P1, K1, P1; Repeat from * to end, B-K2.
Row 8:      Same as row 2.
Row 9:      B-K2, P4, *K1, P1, K1, P5; Repeat from * to last 6 stitches: (K1, P1)x2, B-K2.
Row 10:    Same as row 2.
Row 11:     B-K2, K3, *P1, K1, P1, K5; Repeat from * to last 7: P1, K1, P1, K2, B-K2.
Row 12:    Same as row 2.
Row 13:    B-K2, P2, *K1, P1, K1, P5; Repeat from * to last 8 stitches: K1, P1, K1, P3, B-K2.
Row 14:    Same as row 2.
Row 15:    B-K2, K1, *P1, K1, P1, K5; Repeat from * to last 9 stitches: P1, K1, P1, K4, B-K2.
Row 16:    Same as row 2.

Repeat rows 1-16 for pattern ( I did row 1-12 once and then worked rows 1-11 once more)
Row 1-2:   Knit across.
Bind off,
Weave in ends.

Rib & Welt Diagonal Stitch Dishcloth:

I would follow the above instructions only change the border stitches to 4 at each end instead of 2.  You can calculate as follows:  24 + 8 = 32 OR 32 + 8 = 40 for larger cloth).

Because this pattern looks good on both sides you can use as towel, table runner, pot holder but I would not recommend this stitch for any garments.

Here are the instructions on Knitting the knit stitches and Purling the purl stitches:

Knit the Knit Stitches – Purl the Purl Stitches Instructions:
What does "knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches as they face you" mean?
Many of CEY's patterns use the terms "knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches as they face you" or "knit the purl sitches and purl the knit stitches as they face you". In order to help clarify what these phrases mean, please take a look at the images below.
Image 1 shows what is meant by "knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches as they face you" A knitted stitch looks like an upside-down U, and a purled stitch has a horizontal strand. The instructions tell us to knit the knit stitches, so when we arrive at a stitch that looks like an upside-down U, we knit into that stitch, and into the stitches with the horizontal strand, we purl.
Image 2 shows what we mean when we write "knit the purl sts and purl the knit stitches as they face you". This is commonly used for the repeating row of Seed Stitch. The instructions tell us to purl the knit stitches, so when we arrive at a stitch that looks like an upside-down U, we purl into that stitch, and into the stitches with the horizontal strand, we knit.

Knitting Swatch  Blog: