Tuesday, August 4, 2020

August 2020 Swatch = Wavy Rib

Here is the swatch for August 2020:

August 2020 Swatch –Wavy Rib

Copyright © Janet Nogle

Materials: 1 skein of yarn/#6 or #7 needle/Cable needle

NOTES: Sl = slip, B2=Knit 2 stitches for border.

Cast On:        Multiple of 5 + 3 + Border (20+3=23+4=27) Cast on 27 stitches


Row 1-2:       Knit across.



Row 1:           B2, *P3, Sl 1 on the cable needle, hold in front of work, K1 off left needle, knit the stitch off of the cable needle; repeat from *, end: P3, B2.

Row 2:           B2, *K3, P2; repeat from *, end K3, B2.

Row 3:           B2, *P3, Sl 1 on cable needle, hold in back of work, k1 off of left needle, knit the stitch off of the cable needle; repeat from *, end P3, B2.

Row 4:           B2, *K3, P2; repeat from *; end K3, B2.

Repeat above 4 rows 7 more times.



Rows 1-2:     Knit across   


Bind off. Weave in ends.


Janet Nogle




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